Someone please explain to me the difference…

i see that tree
i see that math-
ematical trans

translation (of my torso);
rotation (of my thighs);
reflection (of my features);
shear (of my limbs);
dilation (of my size).

when i wash
when i rinse the soap from my eyes
i look in the mirror and see

an inversion
from the point
of origin.



captured in fascicle
s nestled in epiphyte
s layered in branche
s collected in mound
s two parallel line
s cut the surfa
ce black crow
s caw blue skie
s white.


Dana Michele Havas is a poet living in Ithaca NY, when she is not writing she is helping to keep her regional food system resilient by serving farmers in her community. This is amongst her first publications along with her recent publication in New Note Poetry (Spring 2022) and soon to be published work in Moist Poetry Journal (Upcoming 2022). You can find her (albeit not terribly active) on Twitter @dmhavas but welcomes the engagement none-the-less.

Published June 15 2022